Saturday 4 December 2010

The Landor 110 Experiment continues in Cincinnati

110 1

110 2

What are you doing at 1:10 pm every day?

Landor's Cincinnati office is collaborating with local bloggers to take the Landor 110 Experiment outside our walls by asking them, every day for five days, "what are you doing at 1:10?"

We started the experiment by assigning each of the 130 employees in our office to one of what our designers determined were four key elements of design: color, word, sketch, or photography. Their task? Capture what they were thinking, feeling, or doing at 1:10 every day within the context of their design category, using supplies from packets we gave them. For example, members of the photography group were given disposable cameras and asked to snap pictures.

To kick off phase two of the experiment, we handed supply kits out to local bloggers last Friday, encouraging them to repeat the process and blog about their own experiences with the project over the course of five days. Each blogger will repeat the process already captured in our current office window installation:

  • Chose one of four key elements of design: color, word, sketch, and photography.

  • Capture what he or she is thinking, feeling, or doing at 1:10pm each day within the context of the chosen design element.

  • Communicate via their blogs.

You can follow the 110 Experiment on Landor's Facebook and Twitter feeds, and use the #landor110 hashtag on Twitter to follow the bloggers' progress and join the conversation.

Images courtesy of Landor Associates.