Friday 3 September 2010

How Should We Define ³ Design²?

How Should We Define ³Design²
> ? by Gardi Amit

1. Is there truly a ³new design² phenomenon?
2. Is any idea, whether it¹s an initiative for social progress or a clever
way to market movies, enough to be declared a work of design?
3. Can a construct such as a ³process,² ³business plan² or a ³system² be
work of design?
4. Lastly, are these metaphysical constructs always design or is there a
threshold of beauty, a rigorous process, or another quality standard that
must be met for something to be considered a design? In other words, is a
Obusiness plan¹ always a form of ³new design² or does it have to involve
some level of good, ³old fashioned² design to be considered more than an
ordinary business plan? And, if the latter, what are the requisite elements
that would distinguish one from the other?